Self-Publishing/Print-On-Demand Firms
Brian Gongol

Publisher Style Per Book Per Page Last Updated
CafePress 5" x 8" perfect-bound softcover $7.00 $0.03 2005-0919
review, review
6" x 9" perfect-bound softcover $4.53 $0.02 2005-0919
Infinity Publishing 5.5" x 8.5" softcover $5.97 (up to 78 pages) 2005-0502
Trafford up to 8.25" x 10.75" perfect-bound softcover $5.10 (up to 100 pages) 2005-0502
Lightning Source 2005-0502

Vanity Presses and Contract-Required: Useful articles: Copyright and ISSN/ISBN: